31 March, 2010

Favorite Quotes from my books

"Knowledge is a destination. Truth, the journey."-Zedd

"One must observe before one acts, or more harm then help can be the result." -Drefan Rahl

"It does the sheep no good to preach the goodness of a diet of grass, if the wolves are of a different mind." - Nathan

"Love is a passion for life shared with another person." -Nicci

"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed."-Adie

"Only a fool walks into the future backwards." -Commander General Trimack

"If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way."-Richard

"Evil is not one large entity, but a collection of countless, small depravities brought up from the muck by petty men."-Richard

"Everything is valuable under the right conditions. To a man dying of thirst, water be more precious than gold. To a drowning man, water be of little worth and great trouble."-Adie

"It is the first responsibility of a friend to provide a shoulder to cry on."-Richard

"Only those you trust can betray you."-Nathan

"Promise made . . . . Promise kept!"-Richard

"Dance with me death, for I am ready."-Richard

"Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed."- Richard

"Never let a woman set your path for you, when there is a man in her line of sight."-Kahlan

Wizard's Rules:
1.People are stupid... They will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.
2.The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.
3.Passion rules reason.
4.There is magic in sincere forgiveness, the magic to heal. In forgiveness you grant, but more so, in forgiveness you receive.
5.Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.
6.The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason.
7.Life is the future, not the past.
8.Deserve Victory.
9.A contradiction cannot exist in reality. Not in part, nor in whole.
10.Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self.
11.The Unwritten rule which must be experienced before true understanding. Everything exists within us.

21 March, 2010


Game night at seans.....fun stuff not gonna lie...watching planet earth...its awesome. And then playing apples to apples eating home made banana bread!

20 March, 2010


Tired as heck but still awake....not wanting to go home or to sleep....exhaustion is preferable to the nightmares I keep having. Some are of experiences I've had...or just fears in general that are brought to life in my dreams. Its hard to wake up from them sometimes...it all seems so real. But I know better. It isn't real, just a figment of my imagination. But still.....its never fun to go to sleep and have nightmares...especially since I always remember my dreams, or at least how they made me feel. I wonder if that's partly why I always have head aches....(which could very likely be caused by caffein that I drink all the time)....but lack of sleep is why I drink so much caffein so its really a no win situation. Not something I like really....oh now I'm just rambling...see this is what happens when I hit a really tired level with a head ache....(which I currently have) inspite of the fact that I took Tylonal.....it still persists to feel like there is a demon scratching my brain and the back of my eyes out with its jagged sharp claws....it hurts to move my eyes around quickly....kind of blows to have a head ache this bad....but I'm kind of used to them. I get them on a regular basis. No fun at all. But I continue throughout my day nonetheless. Which to some people is stupid to do. Working/school with a migrain. *shrugs* I'd get even more nothings done if I always stopped for my migrain to go away...sometimes it takes days for them to leave. So I ignore them for the most part...unless they get really bad.

Watch this video...

The link below is to a video called "Dove Evolution" It expresses that the media alters our perception of beauty in our society and how.


16 March, 2010


What is beauty? How do we define it? Is it something that society tells us it is? Or is it how we view each other without bias(if that's possible). Our society depicts beauty as an achieved status. You can become beautiful in a sense. You apparently weren't beautiful before but if you wear this and look this way you will then become beautiful. The media influences a great deal of what we think of ourselves and others. We judge each other on the norms that society has given us that depict what beauty is. What a sad realization that is. That our society tells us what is beautiful and to make ourselves look that way or you wont be considered beautiful. Which is mostly an assimilationist attitude. You have to look this way and if you don't then you aren't what we, as a society, consider beautiful. Well beauty in many ways is a matter of opinion. What one person considers beautiful another may disagree.

Our culture puts an emphasis on woman to be thin. Which, in my mind, is an unrealistic point of view. Simply because everyone is genetically different. Not everyone genetically can be thin. Some have large bones or even diseases that keep them from becoming the "ideal". And what is the "ideal" woman in America? One that is thin and not considered overweight or "fat". Even though the ideal of woman, over time, has changed. It was once ideal for a woman to be stocky and boyish looking like in the 50's with the flapper. And now it has changed to a voluptuous woman. Not large, but curvaceous and thin at the same time. But how many women can actually achieve this? Not many.


Friends are funny things. They come and go throughout our lives and we learn something from them. They are our affiliated family so to speak. The specific people we choose to associate with. We love them and hope the best but we must watch them make choices and learn from mistakes. Its hard sometimes to watch people suffer from their mistakes. Or simply from loneliness, sadness, or anything associated with those terms. We wish they knew how it could be or what we know to help them. But if they choose to not be helped then what to do? We cant make them listen or take the advice. They may not see it as something beneficial. We all have suffered from pig headed-ness. I included. How much time and energy we waste on things that do not matter or are so unnecessary to go through. We can always learn from others experiences. I understand the value of learning for yourself through trials but we don't always have to do that.


Life is surprising in many ways. We have a mental picture of where we want to be in our life and then we have the actual reality that we don't always make it to our dream/goal. It isn't really something to feel bad about it. Just something to be mindful of. That though we plan and make goals in actuality we don't always achieve what we want. We may try our best but most of the time we don't make it. I don't know if you can regret not achieving a goal if it alters or changes over time. Since a lot of the time our goals change as we grow up. People always ask, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" well many kids say they want to be a super hero or a vet or even a teacher...but as they grow up they change their minds. They end up choosing something they never expected. Not to say that that is a bad thing. It most certainly is not. Its always good to have lots of options.

My own personal goals...I'm not sure anymore. My ultimate goal is to be a mother. Not right now of course...because that would require getting married and I'm currently not. But I thought I wanted to be an Art major...and then it changed to Forensic Anthropologist....which is something I find fascinating. But am I qualified for it? I'm not so sure on that one. I hope to succeed in such a difficult field, sure, but do I have the patience or discipline to focus all my energy on that? We shall have to see. Since I currently don't know. Being an Art Major would be fun. Since I have a talent in that area. But the focus is on the future. Will having a degree in Art pay the bills? Will I be able to enjoy it still or will it become a chore? I love art. I love drawing and attempting to express myself in such a way but will I still enjoy it if I have to do it? Whereas, anthropology I can get a job. Either teaching anthropology, or making my own personal studies in that field that people haven't considered before. It would be a constant fascination with people. Why we do things, how we do them, how we came to that conclusion and acted on it. All of those things I find intriguing. What to do....what to do.

13 March, 2010


Is that what you call this? I don't call it work...I call it tedious.

09 March, 2010



06 March, 2010


What to write....what to write....thoughts always streaming and running through my mind. Never ceasing, never relenting, not a moment of piece. Continuous movements I see in my head. Images, words, thoughts, colors, people, all are there. Shouting at me to make a decision, to come to a conclusion. Figures dancing fluidly across my memories, things my heart used to know but now are no longer things I can recollect. Did that really happen? Was it a dream or a thought? A scenario I played out in my mind? How did reality become so distorted...things used to be so black and white in my mind now it is muddled with grays and every hue in between...is right and wrong still just that? or is wrong right and right now wrong....such sick twisted thoughts and actions we see in our lives today...how are we to deal with it all? All of the advertisements and media that spout horrible and horrifying realities and misconceptions? All of which we take into our thoughts and minds, images we can bring back to the for front of our minds to view at anytime we please...is this the legacy our future posterity as to look forward to? What a mad world we live in. And I'm not using the term mad as in angry, but mad as in insane. People going about their lives not realizing that things are becoming trivial that we once thought was horrifying. We see malicious acts committed and we do nothing to stop it. Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night.

04 March, 2010

Stupid People

People are stupid. Its a fact. There are things such as intelligent people. But they are rare and for the most part none existent. Its not really sad that this is true....just tiring. And I am not saying that I am the brightest bulb in the box or anything like that...but seriously. I have met some of the dumbest people ever at my job. I mean really, do people not use their brain? It's really not that complicated to use your brain. It may be complicated to understand what the heck these people are trying to do by not using their brain but that's what I get for using my own. If the answer is something severely obvious why would you ask a dumb question. I know people say there are no such things as stupid questions but really there are. And its sad that people feel the need to ask questions that are so unnecessary. Even the most intelligent person can ask a stupid question and it is a shame.