25 August, 2009

Ne Humanus Crede

Trust No Human...that's what the title of this means. Because people are full of crap. There are reasons for what I do and say. There is no logical reason for people to treat me like I'm garbage or not as good as they are because I make different choices. So people who judge are crap. I don't judge others, why should I be judged? I don't have to agree with your choices but I'm not going to treat people differently because of it. I think its horrible how cruel people can be. Especially the ones who are closest to you. Why is it that the ones who can hurt you the most are the people who are supposed to care for you despite everything. This is why I trust no one. Because I'm the one who always gets hurt or made fun of. And I'm tired of being taken for granted. My friendship and relationships with people are very important to me and when someone treats me bad it hurts twice as much. I don't feel like I should be treated like I'm worthless. It's the most frustrating thing to give everything I have in a friendship to have it thrown in my face like it isn't important. It just reinforces the fact not to trust anyone. And then people wonder why I'm unhappy or frustrated.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you feel like that, I understand what you mean. Its taken me a long time (and I'm still working on it) to not let people affect me so much. To just like myself no matter what a person says, because if they're mean they have their own problems and are probably just trying to make themselves feel better. But you're still the one that gets hurt, and it sucks. I'm sorry though babe, people are the hardest for me to understand, and all I want is to just be happy and have fun. Why does all the crap have to happen too?!
