10 August, 2009


"Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. Its us. Only us." -Rorschach

"Why do we argue? Life's so fragile...[...]...The horror is this: in the end, it is simply a picture of empty meaningless blackness. We are alone. There is nothing else."


  1. um....so what's this about blackness? You know better than that...go to church! We are never alone!!!!

  2. Even if it's a quote from a book, why are you quoting it?

  3. Cause I can. I liked the quote. I was severely depressed at the time and I liked it.
