19 September, 2009

I think....

That I have a problem.....i can't seem to let things go...mainly people and feelings. I know that I should...I mean the way some people have treated me, even I don't know why I am still friends with them. I make no sense....am I afraid of losing people in the worry that I wont have any friends....? Or is it that I'm so committed to my friendships that I simple wont allow myself to drop them....Interesting enough that my friends are the most important people to me. Since to me...my friends are family. not really family family but you know what I mean. Or could it be that I wont let go because I don't want to me lonely. Am I that insecure with myself....or am I one of those people who take bad treatment and go with it...feeling that it cant be just me that they treat this way.... I'm not sure what I did to be treated badly by some people....but you know....whatev....

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time letting go of things too. It just takes awhile for me to get over stuff. I have to seperate myself from the person until I don't care what they say anymore, and then I can be around them a little bit. But we can't be best friends. Sorry. :) A lot of it is just growing up and learning, and that takes a long time. But hey, its good that you think about it, that will help. :) Love you!
