30 November, 2009

thoughts of today.

Why is it okay for people to make someone else feel like garbage? Its not. It's rude and inconsiderate. Why does our society condone hurtfullness? It makes no sense. Our country is based on "WE THE PEOPLE", a community of many individuals as a whole unit. And yet, its a "me" attitude. There is no "i" in team...but there is a "me". Why is it okay to sacrifice others and everything they've worked for to get what you want. Why is it okay to destroy someone else's work if its in the way of what you, as an individual want? It's not. Pushing aside friends and family needs simply because you think they stand in your way, is not okay. A family is a whole. A unit. If each individual member of a family had the self centered "me" attitude all the time, nothing would ever get done. Our entire society, if everyone acted and thought that way, would be thrown into chaos. Nothing would function. Think of all the famous inventers...if they didn't share with the world everything they have discovered. We would not be as developed or as "civilized" as we are today. But yet we find ourselves in a "me, myself, and i" generation. I'm not saying that we should always put everyone else first. But we should be at least willing to. And most people aren't. It's sad. And I realize I'm like that sometimes, or most of the time. I'm always thinking about myself and you know what. I don't like it. I hope I wasn't always this way. I have been trying to improve myself in this aspect of life. I am trying to put everyone else's needs before my own. But even if I have that "me" attitude, I am always willing to help. But not everyone thinks that way. For example, in my house, I was taught to always ask if someone needs help if I'm over at their house. Usually I ask when I first get there, that way if they do need help I can help them sooner rather then later. But I had it pointed out to me that not everyone does this. And in my head, that's just weird to me. How can you not ask to help them? I mean, they let me come over, half the time they feed me, the least I can do is help them with something, or at least offer to. But apparently this mentality isn't a natural one for today's generation of people my age. Which is sad. We are here to learn and to help one another. How could I possibly ask someone for help if I myself am not willing?

1 comment:

  1. Life's hard babe. I get what you're saying, I think about that a LOT too! :) Its a good thing to remember, in my life the people I know who are the MOST selfish are the most unhappy, ungrateful, terrible people I know. I don't want to be that way, so I need to be unselfish instead. :)
