17 February, 2011


Today is Valentine’s day. And to give a brief history, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for centuries. The day has been named for an early Christian martyr, Saint Valentine, which was established in 496A.D. Now, for the sarcastic and bitter ranting of the lonely hearts club...a.k.a. Sarahann and Brenda.
Well for all of those who don’t have a significant other on this day of love and joy, fret not! Singles Awareness Day (SAD) can be just as wonderful for you as it is for all the lucky couples celebrating V-Day. Take yourself out to the nearest grocery store, buy a quart of ice cream, go home, plug in a good movie (one you've seen far too many times), and cry into the couch cushions as not to wake the neighbors upstairs. Though this does not change the fact that you are still single or desperate, it will relinquish the anxiety that has built up due to the pressure put upon you by your parents for grandchildren, friends who are tired of hearing you whine, and society who convinces you that you have to be with someone to be happy. (Special thanks to Stephanie Meyers.)
All joking aside, SAD is a day not to weep your loneliness but rather to celebrate your love for yourself. So go out and buy yourself a box of chocolates and enjoy your awesomeness!

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