12 December, 2012

Life....it is surprisingly painful sometimes

Now don't get the wrong impression from the title. I'm not talking about some emotional pain crap. I'm talking about actual physical pain. And right now, my abdomen is in some severe pain. I ended up at the hospital last night because of it. Lucky for me there are some awesome doctor's working at the ER. They plugged me into an IV and I got to enjoy some lovely pain killers. And then I got a procedure called an ultrasound done on my organs. Truly it was lovely. And what I got to discover is I have gallbladder stones. Which means I can no longer eat foods with a lot of fat in them. Like: Cheese, all fast food, butter, etc.... Not that I eat just butter by itself. That would be nasty. Anyway, so I have the wonderful option of having surgery next week to get my gallbladder removed. This will be my 3rd surgery ever. I can't say that I'm particularly excited about it. Especially a week before Christmas. What a great gift to me, huh? Well it'll be a nice chance to lose weight and get in better shape. But still I hate being on pain killers and all that jazz. I guess a bonus is that I don't have to stay in the hospital for a long time. It's mainly just the surgery and then I can go home later that day. Life is full of surprises I suppose. But it's just a lesson to live healthy and you wont have health problems like gallbladder stones. Which is incredibly painful to deal with, just to let you know. Not fun.....at all.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! I didn't know you were having problems! Dude, when I was pregnant with Kimball I was having the worst pain in my side and we thought it was gall stones for awhile, so glad it wasn't though! I'm sorry you're dealing with this right now, how crappy! :( I hope you feel a lot better after surgery! I'll be thinking about you!!
