25 May, 2022

New Beginings

Isn't it always hard to make a new start? I feel like people get into this funk of not wanting to change but wanting to change at the same time. For example, I would like to live a healthier lifestyle, not only for myself but for my children, but even though I want that, I have zero desire/motivation to get started. I know what I have to do, I know what needs to be done and I just dont want to do it but do at the same time. Why is change so dang hard? It is a neccissity. Change is nature. We have to if we want to progress in any sort of way. And yet, knlowing that, it is still difficult! It can be so scary to begin anew, even when you know its a good thing to do. I think there is that fear of failing at the new thing but also fear of disappointing others too. My husband it starting a new job and though he knows its a better opportunity, and a neccissity for our family to be better provided for, he is still worried. He's afraid of disappointing his current boss with the news he's leaving along with the fear of starting a new job. One that he will be trained for. I have every faith in my husband, he loves his family and doesn't take the responsibility as a provider lightly. But I know how difficult this change will be for him. He loves his job and the people he works with. And he doesn't want to leave them without help but I have to remind him that that isn't his job. It just proves to me what kind of person he is. Not that I need convincing, I know what kind of person my amazing husband is. I am grateful for his love, his kindness and for his hardworking spirit.

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