03 December, 2010


Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? Or at least have super powers? Personally, I have. I've had people ask me "if you could have any super power what would it be and why?" Now to be honest, this is a very difficult question to answer. Seriously...it is. Well does everyone in this alternate universe have an ability? Or is it only a select few in the population like the x-men or the show "heroes"? Because if it is only a select few that have a "sixth sense" or ability then i would want an ability that would allow me to absorb theirs but not take it away from them (if that makes sense) if i come into contact with them then I would have that ability as well, on top of the the ones I've already absorbed. Because like wolverines ability were you don't age and cant really die, I think that would be tiring. I mean how sad and lonely life would be if I had to continually watch all those I loved age and die. It would be like I'm a vampire (minus the blood sucking). I think I would become severely bored if I had to live forever by myself.

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't that Peter's (?) powers on Heroes? I told you I only watched the first season, but I thought that was the BEST super powers - everyone's!! I would totally love to be Elastigirl, too - giving birth would be a cinch and I could be that extra inch taller that I think I was supposed to be;) haha!
