23 October, 2009

Romans Chapter 12 Verse 21.

I noticed that my first few blogs were semi-indepth..."deep" one would say...and that over the course of the year have gotten less so. At least to me....but the theme of my blogs I also noticed was emotional sadness...does that mean that I'm happier now-a-days? That could be a possibility......I feel that sometimes I'm more happy. I'm happy that my sisters are moving back here....well Kristie is already here but Melinda too :) But I think that I'm emotionally retarded. I really kinda am, I ignore things or let things that bother me slide and then build up....until I burst. Not something that is healthy really. I like what my friend Matt said to me the other night. I asked him if he was lonely...and he said yes but then added "what is lonely?" Life is in a constant flux of change. You may be lonely one minute but something can alter that perception or feeling the next. We are always in a world of change. Nothing ever stays the same. Except for me at least, the gospel. In an ever changing world the gospel is the one thing I've been able to cling to. I may make mistakes, I do all the time. But with things I've done or not done or may do, I know beyond a doubt that I could never stop believing the gospel. Sometimes I wonder if its a greater fear in what my family would think and do then a fear of God. Sometimes I feel I am evil. That I don't deserve forgiveness. That I have no right to ask Heavenly Father for help or anything else. But I realize that isnt how it should be. And I know I have people that love me and care about me. And want me to succeed in life. I am so grateful for them.

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