20 March, 2010


Tired as heck but still awake....not wanting to go home or to sleep....exhaustion is preferable to the nightmares I keep having. Some are of experiences I've had...or just fears in general that are brought to life in my dreams. Its hard to wake up from them sometimes...it all seems so real. But I know better. It isn't real, just a figment of my imagination. But still.....its never fun to go to sleep and have nightmares...especially since I always remember my dreams, or at least how they made me feel. I wonder if that's partly why I always have head aches....(which could very likely be caused by caffein that I drink all the time)....but lack of sleep is why I drink so much caffein so its really a no win situation. Not something I like really....oh now I'm just rambling...see this is what happens when I hit a really tired level with a head ache....(which I currently have) inspite of the fact that I took Tylonal.....it still persists to feel like there is a demon scratching my brain and the back of my eyes out with its jagged sharp claws....it hurts to move my eyes around quickly....kind of blows to have a head ache this bad....but I'm kind of used to them. I get them on a regular basis. No fun at all. But I continue throughout my day nonetheless. Which to some people is stupid to do. Working/school with a migrain. *shrugs* I'd get even more nothings done if I always stopped for my migrain to go away...sometimes it takes days for them to leave. So I ignore them for the most part...unless they get really bad.

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