13 August, 2009


Really I have nothing to write about today. I'm lonely and bored. But that's nothing new. so....*searches for a thought*......I miss my sisters. I wish they were here. I mean both have come up recently to Washington to visit. But it's not the same. I didn't really grow up with my sisters. At least not during my teenage years. Both were either married or living somewhere else. It would have been nice to have them here. But I cant really change that. I know they have their own lives to deal with. And I'm sure that's no picnic. But I want both of them to know I love them and miss them.


  1. aaahhhhh....*wiping tear from eye*...I MISS YOU TOO!! But hey, in October I will be there and hopefully we will get to hang out more!! I love you and can't wait to see you!

  2. I miss you so much too! I'm sorry we weren't around much th last few years, but I promise it will be made up, I just know it! Mostly I just want you to know how much I LOVE YOU, honest to goodness Brenda, I totally love you. Even if you were weird, or silly, or dumb, or mean or anything I still love you! Do you know what I'm saying?
