24 November, 2010


Ice...its a frustrating thing for a vehicle attempting to drive on it. Seriously, my jeep even has 4-wheel drive and its still having a hard time on the ice and snow. Not saying that 4-wheel drive will automatically make my vehicle immune to ice but its supposed to help...the only good thing so far is that my home has not yet lost power, knock on wood. But though I think the snow is beautiful, I am not a fan of the cold that comes with it. Especially since my car doesn't have proper heating. *sighs* oh well, such is life. I do rather enjoy frolicking in the snow. It has its temporary joys, such as, making snow people, snow angels, and snow ball fights. Though that last one can be devastating to some people emotionally...think about it. Being constantly plagued by flying frozen water at indeterminate speeds in the face or any other extremity that's out in the cold without proper protection, can very well damage people emotionally. Not me, but then again, I'm usually the one throwing the snow balls at people.

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