25 November, 2010


Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family coming together and thinking about how blessed we are and what we're thankful for. But does it ever happen that way? Sometimes. (I'm not a complete cynic). But a majority of people, I think, lose focus on what it's really about. Its not just about the great food we have only once a year. Or about gorging ourselves to the point of having a food coma. But about showing gratitude for everything we have today. So just to show I'm not a hypocrite, I will tell you what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for God in my life, family, friends, that I have a roof over my head and food on my table. I'm grateful for the support of my family and my friends. I'm grateful for music, art, trees, rain, not snow (sorry but I'm not grateful for snow), flowers (roses specifically), technology (since without it you wouldn't be reading this), socks, literature, theater, dark chocolate, energy drinks (I know, I shouldn't be grateful for those but I am), watches, teachers/professors, modern transportation (though I do think it would be fun if we had to ride horses to get to places), cameras, freedom, democracy (since without that I wouldn't really be able to express myself), History books (they are fascinating to read), modern medical care, deodorant (that's right...its important). I'm grateful for the brilliant minds that brought us most of these things that we have. Such as: electricity, transportation, the declaration of independence, bill of rights...etc. This is actually just a small list of things I'm grateful for. But you get the idea. Showing gratitude is very important and not just on Thanksgiving. We should try to have an attitude of gratitude in all that we do. Think about it, do we really appreciate the era we have been born into? I don't know how many people think about that. I am glad I was born in this day in age since it would suck hard core to have been born during the renaissance for example. At the same time it would have been amazing, but really, if you think about all the stuff that really went on then, it wouldn't have been that great. (Don't get me wrong...I love the renaissance. Mid-devil times are actually my favorite time period to study). But seriously, to have been born in the United States, I think we take our freedom for granted. And every once in awhile we should stop and think about how grateful we are to our forefathers who fought for our rights and privileges in the first place.

What does Thanksgiving really mean? Is it just about the huge roasted bird, the mashed potatoes and gravy, the large amount of excess food that can be used for days after? Or does Thanksgiving have a deeper meaning. (Not that I’ve discovered.) Thanksgiving isn’t solely about the food but about families spending quality time together. Along with appreciating the sacrifices of ancestors/ forefathers who made this country what it is. Now the definition of Thanksgiving is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships. (Yes Sam, I copy and pasted that last bit from Wikipedia).
To go from a religious holiday to a holiday that encourages gluttony and slothfulness is rather sad. The couch may be the only thing you are capable of cuddling with on this day, as you fall asleep for 4 hours, wake up and enjoy the wholesome pie that was left over and a turkey sandwich. You may be terrified to step on a scale for fear of it breaking but don’t worry, sweat pants don’t judge.
So make sure you stock up on your TUMS and Alka Seltzer. Because heart burn and a stomach ache are heading your way. God Bless America.

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